Children’s Audio Stories

Young kids love to listen to a great story……over and over again! But sometimes with our busy schedules, we don’t always have time to read to our children throughout the day. By evening everyone can be exhausted! One of the best ways to help your child with his or her reading and listening skills is to play children’s audio stories. You can download an mp3 to load onto an ipod or you can purchase a CD format for entertaining and educational listening anytime. Whether they are at home playing or being driven to school, audio stories are always a hit with kids! It’s easy to purchase children’s audio stories. They’re just a google click away!


Children’s audio stories are an excellent investment for busy parents because as most parents know, children love to listen to the same story over and over again. With their own audio file or CD, they can simply click to play the stories again anytime they choose, or as often as they want. And they can use their own head phones! If you are a busy parent who spends a lot of time on the go, having a collection of children’s audio stories to take along with you is the perfect solution to keep children occupied and avoid boredom.
Another advantage if you’re driving on the highway, is that there are no worries about kids dropping the book or arguing over who should hold it, because there is no book! No matter how many kids are in the car they can all enjoy audio stories, even you! Keep in mind that with any type of travel where kids are restricted like a long flight to visit Grandma, audio stories are a life saver for parents.
Listening to an audio story allows children to stretch their imaginations and enter into a new world where anything can happen! Just think how beneficial this is for a child who is learning to read. What a wonderful learning tool for young children who are just preparing to enter into the school system.

A great storyteller will want to create different voices and sound effects when telling a story, especially to captivate a young audience. This feature also helps children visualize the story in their heads as it is being told, whether it’s a roaring dragon or a character riding a shooting star across the sky. Children will be drawn into a make believe world and held there until the very end, mesmerized and giggling, to the delight of their parents.

Audio stories are the perfect gift for a child. It’s the type of gift that will keep on giving for many years to come. What a great feeling to know that you have contributed to nurturing and inspiring a young child’s imagination!